Great Conspiracy: The 9/11 News Special
You Never Saw
70-minute sequel to The Great Deception, the ground-breaking
44-minute video by Barrie Zwicker, the first mainstream
journalist in the world to ask hard questions, in early
2002, about the official story of the events of 9/11.
In The Great Conspiracy, Zwicker analyses the use of fear
to befuddle the public, and deconstructs the so-called
"war on terrorism" as a public control mechanism. He then
examines in depth the failure of the military to function
on 9/11 and the entirely inappropriate behaviour of the
president and his aides that day. Finally, the resistance
of the White House to any proper investigation, the extreme
taintedness of the 9/11 commission and its drastic underperformance
are examined. Throughout, the compliance and complicity
of the mainstream media in maintaining a trance of ignorance
is addressed. And the responsibility of each thinking
citizen emphasized at the end.