After the film the audience burst into applause and gave GNN
a well deserved standing ovation for their creation.
Then, Blaine Machan of introduced the evening's
moderator Barrie Zwicker who quickly engaged the audience with
a series of questions: “Who believed that elements of the U.S.
government, not just knew , but actively participated in the
highjackings of 9-11 , were in a word complicite?” More than
75% of the audience raised their hands. His third question-
“How many believe, to condense the situation into two words,
“Bush knew”? 50% of the audience raised their hands.

Members of the panel then had approximately ten minutes each
to present their thoughts, after which the audience was given
their chance to ask their own questions. The discussion was
interesting and enlightening and spilled back into the Green
Room where the evening ended.
In Palo Alto the following evening the procedings were very
much the same except that the panel included Richard
Heinberg, author of The Party's Over: Oil, War and the Fate
of Industrial Societies.
The balance of moderator Barrie Zwicker's
introductory remarks can be seen < HERE
For more dicussion on these events and
some audio files from the post-film panel visit these IndyMedia